Chaos Camp

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On behalf of the Explorer Scout Youth Team, we are proud to present... Chaos Camp! This is a camp planned by Explorers, for Explorers. Chaos Camp is all about teamwork and problem solving, with lots of team-based and challenge activities over the two days. This camp runs along the lines of 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' and teams will have to complete activities in order to earn points. Activities are still being finalised but we've planned a range of activities that we hope everyone will enjoy, from Climbing to Tomahawk Throwing and even Orienteering in the middle of the night!

When is Chaos Camp?

Chaos Camp will run from the 29th of September to the 1st of October. 

How Can I Sign up?

Step 1) Fill out the leader sign up form to create a Patrol name and provide us with the names of all the members of your patrol. (Don't worry if this changes, we'll ask you to confirm everyone in your patrol closer to the event.) Patrols are capped at 8 members, if you have more than 8 members interested in attending then please create more than one patrol. Please give them the same name but with a number at the end, e.g., "Bananas 1" & "Bananas 2". Don't worry if you don't fill a patrol, we will fill them up with Explorers who are not attending in Patrols. . 

Step 2) That's everything you need to do! We will be sending regular updates out with things such as personal consent deadlines, camp updates, finalised program lists and much more! 

We are limited to the number of Explorers we can have on camp; we highly recommend you sign up ASAP to avoid disappointment! 

Extra Details

This email has been sent out to Explorers; however, we encourage you to talk to your Explorers about the event as not everyone is on the mailing list. The more Explorers, the more fun! This camp is only open to Explorers (aged 14-18), we are unable to accept any non-leaders over the age of 18.

We are also looking for Adult Leaders (18+) to volunteer during the weekend. If you're interested in volunteering, please email [email protected]

We hope to see you on camp!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

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