Explorer Summer Camp

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Dear all

We are delighted to share our plans for a youth-led Explorer Summer Camp led by members of our HEAT team. To make this experience a success for the 144 Explorers, we need the support of some amazing volunteers.

The event will run from Friday 15 - Wednesday 20 August and is taking place at Butchers Coppice, Holloway Avenue, Bournemouth, BH11 9JW. Explorers will participate in several activities, including Archery, Jacob's Ladder, and Climbing, as well as going off-site to visit Brownsea Island and the New Forest Aqua Park.

This event will cost nothing for leaders, and they will be fully catered. However, we need particular help with a couple of specific activities/trip roles. These include permit holders for archery and air rifle shooting, catering and activity assistants, and minibus drivers. Please let us know when completing the form if you can help us with any of these specifics (or have other permits).

At a later date, after you sign up, there will be an information Zoom call so you can understand your role at the camp. In the meantime, please email us with any questions at [email protected].

We look forward to having you involved,

Adam Richardson 

On behalf of the Chaos Summer Camp Team 

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