Explorer Leader skills camp 2024

Home / Updates / Explorer Leader skills camp 2024 

An opportunity for Explorer Leaders to get together and share skills and experiences

Date - Sat/Sun 7/8  December 2024
Location - Ferny Crofts
Cost - Free of charge (except optional catering below)

This camp will include a number of skills on the Saturday between 10 & 4pm eg navigation, bushcraft, OSM, and expedition skills.

Sunday morning will be a social session finishing at lunchtime.

Accommodation is booked for Saturday evening - camping or indoors for those who don't want to camp. You can camp in Friday evening if you wish.

Food can be provided on Saturday evening / Sunday breakfast for a cost of £10 by booking below. Payment via BACS or cash on day.

Account: Hampshire County Scout Council
Sort code: 40-46-39
Account no: 51260936
Reference: 73ELC-Surname

Book here

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