2022 see's the 20th anniversary of the Explorer Scout section. To celebrate we are holding a birthday celebration at Ferny Crofts on the 25th to the 27th of February.

Over the course of the weekend there will be activities from climbing and high ropes to riffle shooting and mini golf so there is something for everyone. There will also be challenges and networking events for young people to find out what opportunities are open to you to continue your scouting journey.


Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre will be administering the booking process, including taking payments for the weekend. 

Please note that bookings may ONLY be placed by District Explorer Scout Commissioner or Unit Leaders, it is not possible to book as an individual young person wishing to attend. Please contact your Explorer Leader(s) if you are a young person looking to book a place. 

To make a booking, please email [email protected] with the subject line of “Explorers 2022 – Ferny Fest Booking” and provide the following details: 

Once a booking is placed, due to anticipated demand, you will have 14 days to make a payment in full before your places are released for others who may like to book. Payments are non-refundable one confirmed.
Payments can be made by BACS transfer, cheque or by credit/debit card over the phone by calling Ferny Crofts on 02380 845092. 

Arrival time will be strictly from 16:00 on Friday 25th February. This includes any bookings for online grocery deliveries, please ensure a member of your group is on site to meet drivers, and that group names are included on the booking for these. 

NOTE: Ferny Crofts Staff are only dealing with group bookings and payments, any questions regarding the detail of how the event will run should be directed to Andy Chatwin at [email protected]

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